Monday, June 28, 2010

Organic Journey Begins

At thirty-four I have just started really learning about living healthily and how organics fit into that.  One of the first books I read since really starting this journey was 'You are What you Eat'.  Can I just say that woman is a manic.  The idea of eating only raw food for the rest of my life just makes me want to cry.  And legumes - yeeks.  But she did catch my attention when she said I can slow down aging, have glowing skin and hair as well as the obvious losing weight.  Is there an organic, healthy way of getting those results while eating warm foods at least in winter, not completely breaking the bank and living a relativly normal life???  

My intention is to find out.  Since reading you are what you eat I have:
spoken to my doctor 
spoken to a natropath 
spoken to the lady in my local health food store
read the book and listened to the man who created body trim 
AND taken into consideration every diet and food plan I have ever been taught (too many to mention as I have been on every diet know to man and beast).  

Hardly any one agrees - so my journey begins.

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